Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP by Tracy Williamson DipCAH HPD PNLP


Humanistic therapy

The work from Carl Rogers led to the development of person-centred counselling and hypnotherapy and is still widely used today. He believed that the relationship created between therapist and client based on the core conditions of empathy, unconditional positive regard and non judgement is both necessary and sufficient to move towards becoming the best version of ourselves.

Cognitive therapy

In cognitive therapy, the focus is on what people think rather than what they do. We spend a lot of our time thinking without giving it much thought but when we become consciously aware of our thoughts and learn how to change them our whole life experience changes in a positive way.

Talking Therapy

Hypnotherapy is classed as a talking therapy alongside Counselling and psychotherapy. It is especially helpful for anyone suffering from anxiety, stress and low mood. During a hypnotherapy session I will spend much of the time listening and talking to my client before any hypnosis takes place.